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Software Developer


Position: Software Developer

Description: Active involvement in design and implementation of various information technology projects for our customers according with a well defined software process.

Company: The employer is a young fast growing innovative company located in Baarn, The Netherlands. The company mission is to assist her customers in implementing complex state of the art informational technology projects by providing top level consultants in different fields.

Education: college or university degree
Experience: at least two years in the field
Skills:Avanced knowledge and experience with one or more of the following:
- Java, C++, Visual Basic, Microsoft Access
- OO, UML, Corba
- Databases: Informix, Oracle, MS SQL Server, ObjectStore
- Operating Systems: Unix/Solaris, Linux, Windows NT
- E-Commerce, Messaging, Internet (TCP/IP, SSL, Streams,    VoIP, Faxover IP), Betalingssystemen, Intelligent Agents

Qualities: self motivated and initiative, strong communication skills in English, project oriented thinking, strong team skills

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Site modified: November 16, 2000
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