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Shortage Occupations

Shortage Occupations

These occupations qualify under the Tier 1 shortage occupation category


Nursing posts in the following specialisms:
Acute Care Midwifery
Elderly Care Occupational Health Nurses
General Nursing Paediatric Care
Intensive Care Neo-natal Nurse Theatre Nurse
Learning Disabilities  
Mental Health  


Consultant posts in the following specialisms:

Accident and Emergency Medicine Old Age Psychiatry
Audiological Medicine Ophthalmology
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Orthopaedic Surgery (Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery)
Diagnostic Radiology (Radiology) PaediatricsRadiotherapy (Clinical Oncology)
Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology Palliative Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Urology
Occupational Medicine  

Information Technology, Communication and Electronics (ITCE) Sector

ANALYST PROGRAMMER* - normally having experience of both technical analysis and programming functions and playing a role in the technical aspects of delivering complete systems and having skills in one or more current technologies.

BUSINESS ANALYST - normally combining both technical and commercial knowledge to define the commercial requirements and objectives for a significant part of a business system or application. Typically the person should have at least 5 years post graduate experience or 3 years where they hold a degree covering Systems Analysis.

DATABASE SPECIALIST* - normally responsible for the design, support and maintenance of corporate databases and usually entailing knowledge and experience on the utilisation of database software within various hardware configurations.

IT MANAGER - normally someone with a senior role, typically a person with at least 7 years of experience in this field, in an organisation and having specific responsibility for planning, organising, co-oordinating and controlling IT projects, and for the development, operation and support of IT applications, systems and networks.

NETWORK SPECIALIST - normally involved in high level design and installation of communication networks including the provision of hardware and software and the provision of advice on overall security of corporate networks and associated operating and recovery procedures.

SOFTWARE ENGINEER* - normally entailing in depth knowledge of operating systems, application software and software development tools and including responsibility for design and development of systems including communications systems and networks.

* Skills in the following technologies are currently in particularly short supply in these occupations:

    • Java/Java Script

    • Perl/Perl Script

    • Active Server Pages/Active X


    • Oracle

    • SQL Server

    • Visual Basic/Visual C++

    • Peoplesoft

    • All Customer Relationship

    • Management (CRM) and Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) packages (especially Siebel, Clarify, and Oracle CRM).


IEng and CEng Level Engineers and PhD Physicists in the following specialisms:

Cellular Phone Systems Development Systems Integration
Design and Development of Electronic Systems with Embedded Software Telecommunications Systems Development
Integrated Circuit Design Video and Audio Systems Development
Radio Frequency and Microwave System and Component Design  


Actuaries Physiotherapists
CAA Licensed Aircraft Engineers Pharmacists
Clinical Psychologists Teachers (Posts in the Greater London area covering compulsory schooling)
Occupational Therapist Veterinary Surgeon
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